How Can Institutions Serve the Needs of Hyper-Local or Niche Communities?
July 26, 2023
Jenzabar Senior Solutions Consultant Sabine O’Neill examines challenges facing hyper-local schools and what can be done to overcome them.
What You Need to Know About Spreadsheets in Higher Ed
July 12, 2023
Spreadsheet use in higher ed is universal and the rate of error is high. What can higher ed do to break free of the "spreadsheet spiral".
Key Takeaways and Insights From the 2023 Jenzabar Executive Summit
June 28, 2023
We explore some of the topics covered by presidents and other institutional leaders in the 2023 Jenzabar Executive Summit.
How Do You Determine the Value of a College Degree?
June 21, 2023
Most-Innovative Approach to ROI award winner Dr. Jen Janecek-Hartman discusses the intricacies of calculating the ROI of a college degree.
An Inside Look at College and University Presidents’ Perspectives
June 14, 2023
We examine Inside Higher Ed’s 2023 Survey of College and University Presidents to better understand how higher ed leaders view the future of education.
5 Ways to Maximize the Value of Your Technology Investment
May 24, 2023
As institutions look to expand the role of technology on campuses, here are five ways they can ensure they are maximizing the use of that technology.
HR Execs Want More Employee Training. What's Higher Ed's Role?
May 10, 2023
A survey of HR executives conducted by found that businesses are turning to colleges and universities to upskill their workforce.
How to Use the Enrollment Funnel to Evaluate Recruitment Strategies
May 3, 2023
As admissions teams assess their campaign efficacy, examining data from the enrollment funnel can help them pinpoint areas for improvement.
3 Things You Can Do to Minimize Summer Melt
April 26, 2023
As summer approaches, we look at three ways admissions offices can help better support students through the enrollment process.
4 Ways to Engage Parents During the College Admissions Process
April 19, 2023
We analyze Spark451’s Parent Survey of College-Bound Students to identify the four most prevalent factors institutions should consider when marketing to parents.
6 Strategies for Recruiting High School Seniors
April 5, 2023
Let’s examine Spark451’s College-Bound Student Survey to uncover what schools can do to recruit more students.
How to Use Financial Aid to Overcome Enrollment Challenges
March 8, 2023
What must institutions do to ensure the financial aid packages they offer are compelling enough to attract students and encourage enrollment?
Document Management and Process Automation: Critical Components in Higher Education’s Digital Transformation
February 22, 2023
DBS Software and Services President Ricardo Rengifo explores why next-gen document management systems are critical to higher ed’s future.
What Does It Take to Lead a College? These 3 Things
February 15, 2023
Past and present college presidents sat down with The Chronicle of Higher Education to discuss traits necessary for successful leadership.