Jenzabar eLearning
Jenzabar eLearning



Compatible With Jenzabar One and Jenzabar SONIS

Deliver Engaging Experiences With a Modern Learning Management System

Jenzabar eLearning is a modern learning management system that empowers instructors to create dynamic, collaborative, and satisfying learning environments quickly and efficiently. Deliver educational experiences that students can engage with anytime, anywhere, allowing learners to fulfill their higher education academic and social goals simultaneously.

Jenzabar eLearning brings together the course management tools your faculty need to build flexible learning environments and deliver the best experiences. It also seamlessly integrates critical student and academic data with the rest of your administrative systems, allowing you to get up and running quickly and support all the ways faculty teach and assess students.

Jenzabar eLearning

Provide flexible, online learning environments that drive student and staff engagement and collaboration.

"Jenzabar eLearning has enabled us to broaden our offerings. Our students stay in contact with their instructors 24/7. Jenzabar eLearning has benefited all our constituents, from the student, to the staff, to the instructors."

Marie Gardner
Associate Dean for Online Campus
Neosho County Community College

Neosho County Community College
Neosho County Community College

Institutions Using Jenzabar Solutions Have Seen


increase in student engagement


reduction in administrative workload


in cost savings

Learn More About Jenzabar eLearning

Download the product sheet.

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Resources: Jenzabar eLearning

Audiobook: Personalized Learning in Higher Ed May Be the Norm Going Forward

Audiobook: Personalized Learning in Higher Ed May Be the Norm Going Forward

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Case Study: Bluefield University Invests in 16 Years of Innovation With Jenzabar

Case Study: Bluefield University Invests in 16 Years of Innovation With Jenzabar

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Industry Insight: Accelerating the Move to Online Learning at Colleges and Universities With Jenzabar and IBM Cloud

Industry Insight: Accelerating the Move to Online Learning at Colleges and Universities With Jenzabar and IBM Cloud

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