Jenzabar Chatbot
Jenzabar Chatbot



Compatible With Jenzabar One and Jenzabar SONIS

Empower Student Agency and Engagement With an AI-Driven Chatbot

Jenzabar Chatbot is an always-on, digital engagement platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI). By directing students through an automated, self-service channel, Jenzabar Chatbot provides students with answers to commonly asked questions and gives staff more time to engage students personally when more complex challenges arise.

Using artificial intelligence and natural language processing, Jenzabar Chatbot evolves and matures with every conversation. While the platform is preconfigured with hundreds of similarly phrased questions and suggested answer templates, you can easily configure additional questions and answers to cater to your unique requirements and trends.

Jenzabar Chatbot

Using artificial intelligence and automation, Jenzabar Chatbot powers student agency and enables learners to get answers to pressing questions.

"Because [Jenzabar] Chatbot ends each conversation with a brief satisfaction survey, we can easily identify which interactions need to be improved. The more we use Jenzabar Chatbot and make adjustments, the more it will answer, the more we will save."

Brandon Berg
Associate Vice President, Information Technology
Community College of Beaver County

Community College of Beaver County
Community College of Beaver County

Institutions Using Jenzabar Solutions Have Seen


saved each month


decrease in average inquiry response time


reduction in administrative workload

Learn More About Jenzabar Chatbot

Download the product sheet.

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Resources: Jenzabar Chatbot

Bethune-Cookman University Saves 800 Hours and a Personnel Cost Saving of $16,000 Every Month With Jenzabar Chatbot

Case Study: Bethune-Cookman University Saves 800 Hours and a Personnel Cost Saving of $16,000 Every Month With Jenzabar Chatbot

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Industry Insight: The Truth About Student Success

Industry Insight: The Truth About Student Success

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Webinar: Social Engagement in a Digital World

Webinar: Social Engagement in a Digital World

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