Non-Traditional Program Playbook: The Pervasive Surge of Non-Credit and Alternative Credentials in Higher Ed
White Paper
Discover data-driven best practices to shaping effective non-traditional programs.
Offering alternative credentials isn't a new phenomenon in higher education, but as the landscape has shifted, the demand for these programs has grown. As a result, more and more institutions are in the process of beginning or growing their non-traditional program offerings. Creating these programs requires a heavy investment in time and resources. Institutions need to ensure that the investments they are making are right for their institution.
Our Non-Traditional Program Playbook leverages data and insights from a series of mature, successful non-traditional programs in order to provide a comprehensive guide to organizing, pricing, and marketing these programs on your campus.
Download the playbook to discover:
- Which alternative credentials are most in demand.
- How pricing is a key strategy to building successful non-traditional programs.
- Which course structures have proven to be the most successful.
- And more!

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