Tools of the Trade: Technology to Build and Manage Non-Traditional Programs
Watch Our Webinar On Demand
How to propel your institution to the forefront of the alternative credential revolution.
How can an institution get its program up and running quickly as well as ensure its non-traditional program stands out above the rest? Enter Campus Marketplace powered by Jenzabar. In this webinar, you’ll witness a live demo of Jenzabar’s comprehensive non-traditional program management platform, designed to streamline operations, unlock new revenue streams, and engage a wider learner base. You'll learn about Jenzabar's state-of-the-art registration software, targeted marketing services, and project-based skills curriculum.
Watch this webinar to discover:
- How Campus Marketplace simplifies registration, optimizes pricing, and opens doors to lucrative new program options.
- How to tap into the vast pool of non-traditional learners with engaging skills bootcamps and flexible pathways.
- How an expert audit of your marketing systems and processes can result in program growth.

Chris Morgan
Associate Vice President of Innovation
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