Survey: COVID-19 is Driving Digital Transformation in Higher Ed
Industry Insights
Dive into a survey of campus leaders that highlights how the pandemic is reshaping higher education.
Amid the unprecedented campus closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, University Business and Jenzabar partnered to develop and deploy a survey of nearly 700 higher education leaders in January 2021 that explored how the pandemic has impacted their institutions’ use of technology. The survey revealed that the pandemic has catapulted many digital transformation programs forward, acting as a catalyst for change and opportunity.
This infographic highlights key takeaways from the survey. It covers topics such as:
- The engagement level of digital transformation before, during, and after COVID.
- New technologies that institutions are investing in due to changes initiated by COVID.
- How institutions are adapting and evolving to make way for the new normal in a post-COVID world.
Download the infographic to learn more!

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