2022 Survey of Campus Chief Technology/Information Officers
Industry Insight
Digital transformation, technology adoption, and talent retention: What happens when IT leaders are part of the president's cabinet?
In a survey of chief information and technology officers, Inside Higher Ed found a correlation between successful technology adoption, digital transformation initiatives, and IT staff retention and institutions that treat the technology unit on their campus as a strategic partner instead of a utility.
Below is a brief snapshot of some of the survey's findings.
- Roughly two-thirds of CIOs believe that their institution has not set specific digital transformation goals.
- More than half of CIOs agree that senior administrators treat the central technology unit more like a utility than a strategic partner.
- Better salaries and more flexible remote work policies at other organizations are among the top reasons institutions are struggling to retain or hire technology employees.
For more detailed insight into these and other findings, download your copy of the 2022 Survey of Campus Chief Technology/Information Officers today.

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