Competency-Based Education: A Gateway to Drive Student Enrollment and Success
Offering flexible learning avenues like CBE can help you attract new students and promote long-term success.
Higher education students don't always follow the traditional learning journey. Many individuals attend college later in life, hold full-time jobs while attending school, or have families that rely on them. These folks fall under the "new student" identity and are pressuring institutions to accommodate more flexible and efficient learning environments and processes.
Competency-based education (CBE) programs can help you address the demand for flexible learning options. A CBE program can help you attract new students who want to personalize their learning journeys and be able to demonstrate their mastery of a subject to potential employers.
Download our ebook to learn more about:
- The growing demand for CBE and how flexible learning programs can evolve your institution
- How CBE can drive institutional success by improving enrollment and retention
- Best practices for implementing a CBE program that will nurture and support student success
- Leveraging the right technology to successfully create a modern CBE program

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