For your institution to succeed, your end users must know how to use their Jenzabar products efficiently and effectively. That’s why our Learning & Development department offers hundreds of learning opportunities each year across a variety of topics, user levels, and formats.
With our free e-learning, on-demand service portal, you can quickly learn a specific process or dive deeper into a topic, helping you make the most of your Jenzabar technology investment. You may access training videos through the Learning & Development website or YouTube channel. Our online, self-paced, on-demand courses include videos, knowledge checks, and interactive quizzes, as well as tutorials, learning guides, and ebooks. You can also view your personal training record to keep track of your learning and retake any course as a review.
The Learning & Development team also offers instructor-led training courses delivered through virtual classrooms and facilitated by instructors with true expertise acquired over years of product use and real-world experience. The hands-on training sessions provide relevant and specific examples to help trainees relate to the course material, retain more information, and apply their new skills to improve and optimize your institution’s processes.
You’ll also learn from your peers. Jenzabar’s client community is one of the most active and engaged in the industry, demonstrating consistently high levels of client involvement and satisfaction year after year.