
EDUCAUSE 2018 is a Wrap!

November 15, 2018   |  
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We’re back from Denver, Colorado the site of EDUCAUSE 2018! Held from October 30 through November 2 the conference is billed as THE IT event where professionals and technology providers from around the world gather to network, share ideas, grow professionally, and discover solutions to today’s challenges.

The event did not disappoint! Over 4,000 higher education IT attendees participated in the mile high city event with over 300 sessions and 700 presenters. Here’s a recap…

Hot Topics and Discussions

Numerous conversations were held regarding the need for a digital transformation across the campus that can support flexible education and monetize learning assets. Other critical issues discussed at the conference focused around data and data governance/integrity as well as analytics. Discussions were abundant around the data journey and the need to standardize data sources, create clean data for collaboration and how to keep data secure. 

The Top 10 IT Issues in Higher Education Announced

Other topics revolved around EDUCAUSE’s Top 10 IT Issues. Selected by the EDUCAUSE community each year, the list aims to help institutions IT departments get a leg up on their strategic planning by outlining what is important and where to focus in 2019. Here are EDUCAUSE’s 2019’s Top 10 IT Issues: 

  1. Information security strategy
  2. Student success
  3. Privacy
  4. Student-centered institution
  5. Digital integration
  6. Data-enabled institution
  7. Sustainable funding
  8. Data management and governance
  9. Integrative CIO
  10. Higher education affordability

Recognizing the importance of all of these topics, Jenzabar has solutions and services to support these critical issues.

Presentation: The New Student is Taking Control-Are You Ready?

On Wednesday morning, attendees packed the room for an enlightening session titled The New Student is Taking Control-Are You Ready?  Scott Jaschik, Founder and Editor of Inside Higher Ed, moderated this lively and informative panel discussion on cloud-based solutions and how they can transform campuses and improve student ;engagement. Panel participants included Cathie Loughran, Director of Data Services at Flagler College, Jill Albin-Hill, Vice President of Information Technology and CIO at Dominican University and Gus Ortiz, Jenzabar’s Managed Services Program Manager.

Booths and More

We unveiled our new interactive booth with digital screens which showcases the New Student Journey. At the Jenzabar booth, fascinating insights were disclosed about the new student that challenged what most of us know about students. Attendees also learned how Jenzabar helps modernize high education institutions so they become more responsive to the demands of the new students.

Jenzabar made two announcements at the show both focused on customer success. On November 1, Jenzabar announced Philander Smith College Migrates to Jenzabar One Cloud Services in Just Two Weeks and on October 31 announced Expanded Engagements for Cloud-based Student Systems Solutions. These followed the October 25 announcement on Jenzabar Introduction of Enhanced Functionality for Jenzabar One Student System to Transform Student Engagement.

We are already looking forward to EDUCAUSE 2019 in Chicago! Hope to see you there!

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