
Competency-Based Education During COVID-19: Will it Flourish or Flounder?

Watch Our Webinar On Demand

CBE gives students the ability to design custom learning paths, but will the approach stick around?

In recent years, higher education has faced enrollment challenges due to increased tuition, shifting demographics, and a growing disparity between the lessons taught in class and the skills needed in the workforce. To remedy these obstacles, college leaders have turned their interest toward competency-based education (CBE).

Competency-based education gives students the ability to design custom learning paths that fit their schedules while still obtaining a college degree. While CBE presents a promising new strategy to combat common enrollment issues, many questions still remain on the efficacy and adaptability of these programs on a large scale. Will the CBE approach remain viable?

Watch our webinar now to find out!

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Alexander C. Kafka

Senior Editor/Moderator
The Chronicle of Higher Education

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